Wednesday, February 3, 2010

How Does Solar Power Work? - A Quick Overview

If you've ever found yourself asking, "How does solar power work," there are really three main concepts you need to understand: how solar power works, how other people use it, and how you can use it in your own home. In this article, I'll touch on each of these concepts and you'll come away with a better understanding of the way solar power is collected and used.

How Does Solar Power Work?

Solar energy is collected by photovoltaic ("photo-vol-tay-ick") cells which are made (partially) of silicone, are installed in panels, and are placed in areas that receive a lot of direct sunshine-- typically, a person's roof. When the sun beats down on these photovoltaic cells, negatively charged neutrons are dislodged from the silicone of each cell. These neutrons are trapped by a magnetic field and then harvested by tiny wires in the silicone to form an electric current, which can then be put to productive use. Contrary to popular belief, you don't have to live in a hot climate to be able to use solar power; you just have to be in an area that receives a good amount of sunshine.

How Do People Use Solar Power?

The same way they use any other electricity! People use solar energy to power their entire homes from running their air conditioners and hot water heaters, to powering their light bulbs and major appliances. If you generate more electricity than you use, you can actually get your electric meter to run backward, and the electric company will send you a check at the end of the month rather than a bill!

How Can You Use Solar Power In Your Own Home?

If you're interested in installing solar panels and running your home on clean energy, you have two options: you can either hire a company to install a commercially made solar system, or you can build your own system. Installing a commercial system is hassle-free-- someone else does it for you!-- and the cost greatly depends on how much electricity your household uses. Typically, a commercial system costs between $5,000 and $25,000. The cost of building your own system is much less-- about $200. The construction and installation of such a system takes about two days.

If you've ever wondered, "how does solar power work," now you know. And now that you understand more clearly how it works and how it's put to use, you're in a much better position to weigh the options available to you and make an informed decision on how to best incorporate it into your own home.

To learn how to build your own solar panels, visit

Stephanie Ashley is a major proponent of alternative energy and therapies.

Article Source:

1 comment:

  1. I visited the site referenced in the article and was presented with an opt-in. It appears that the account exists (presumably in an AWeber account), yet is not active. So, it was not possible to opt-in to check out the content there.
