Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Types of Homemade Power Systems

The Sun's energy has been used by man since ages. It has been used to provide natural lighting, for drying various vegetables, spices and herbs and for many other purposes. Today, solar energy is harnessed by various homemade solar power systems to perform different functions.

If you are interested in going "green", you can use any of these four homemade solar power systems:

1. Solar electricity: You can install photovoltaic solar panels at home. These solar panels convert the sun's energy into electricity. Solar electric power is clean, affordable and very easy to implement. Besides, you can build your own solar power systems and save on the cost required to install a commercial system. The electricity produced is DC (Direct current) which has to be converted to AC (Alternating current) before it can be used.

2. Solar water heater: This is a very efficient homemade solar power system. These heating systems are so good that they can replace your geysers or boilers completely. The pipes of a solar water heater collect the sun's energy and use it to warm the water flowing through them.

3. Passive solar design: Passive solar living involves use of sunlight to provide natural ventilation and heating. Strategic placement of mirrors and windows at home can maximize the amount of sunlight that comes in during the day. You can use either a solar attic fan or a solar chimney for natural ventilation. Hot air from home will be replaced by cool air from outside. Employing this homemade power system will help you in cutting down your electricity bill drastically

4. Solar ovens: A solar oven, also known as solar cooker is a very healthy method of cooking food. It has been successfully used in a lot of countries to desalinize water. A solar oven consists of series of reflective panels which focus sunlight on a pot in which the food is to be cooked. You can use it for boiling, baking and roasting.

Homemade solar power systems make your home "greener" and reduce your carbon footprint.

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